Core principles of the EMI course
1) Research-informed/based lecturer training
2) Based on good practices
3) Structured but flexible, i.e. open to their specific needs and requests
4) Language revision and use of structures in context
- EMI: challenges, settings, stakeholders
- Best practices from the literature
- Lectures vs academic public speaking; phases of the lecture; micro and macromarkers
- English language users and identity
- Input presentation strategies
- Phases of the lecture and discourse markers
- Focus on pronunciation
- Interaction in the classroom and delivering effective feedback
At the end of the course, participants will deliver a 15-minute lecture and receive feedback from the instructors
Le informazioni sull'attivazione di questi corsi vengono diramate ai direttori di Dipartimento che ne danno avviso al personale docente eligibile per questo tipo di formazione