DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) and DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) diplomas are the official French language proficiency certifications. In Italy they are promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
DELF and DALF are divided into six independent diplomas of progressive difficulty, which correspond to the six levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages ​​(QCERL) of the Council of Europe.
Four diplomas for the DELF and two for the DALF, may be obtained independently of each other. Each DELF and DALF diploma provides four tests for four different language skills: oral comprehension and expression, written comprehension and expression.

To find out more about these certifications, consult the website of the Institut Français Milan, the exam centre for the whole of Lombardy (regarding the calendar, test methods, registration for an examination of the DELF, DALF or DELF PRO diplomas).

To register, use the following link:

For further information, please write to